Jean Reynaud – Histoire Élémentaire des Minéraux Usuels – 1867


Author: Jean Reynaud
Publication year: 1867
Publisher: Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie

Condition: used, see pictures

1 in stock


The book “Histoire Élémentaire des Minéraux Usuels” by Jean Reynaud, published in 1867, is a comprehensive guide to the common minerals of the time. Below is a detailed description of the book’s characteristics:

Histoire Élémentaire des Minéraux Usuels” is an important historical work that reflects the state of mineralogical knowledge in the mid-19th century. It offers insights into the minerals that were of economic and industrial importance at the time and serves as a valuable reference for historians of science and industry.

Jean Reynaud
Jean Reynaud was a French author and scientist with a focus on natural history and geology. His works aimed to make scientific knowledge more accessible to the general public and those involved in related industries.